Sunday, 9 February 2014

A new direction

Ok, so my last post was June, oops. Well, I'm back now, mainly because I can't stop my little brain from overflowing with ideas, and I need somewhere to let them run free. Here's a peak into what I've been doing.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Tent Drawings

I decided to kick off the project by drawing simple tent shelters, after all this is what people associate with camping. These designs then developed into digital prints that later gave me the inspiration for my final outcome.

I then moved onto block prints using my basic tent shapes

Final Major Project

The past ten weeks have flown past, and I seem to have neglected my blog. In the next few days I will be updating with all the work that I have produced in the past three months. FMP is now over, and thankfully I passed! 

Sunday, 5 May 2013

FMP Camping V Glamping

My aim for the project is to look at camping and glamping! I want to explore how the idea of camping has changed and how nowadays its more about having fun and looking good! The inspiration came from the process of applying for Camp America, which then moulded my final major project. 

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Journal Work


Cultural Fusion: Cape Making

These are a few photos of the cape making progress! I've decided to go for the design I previously posted, but with a embellished Henna neckline, finished photos will be up soon.

 So many pom poms...
 Finished 'pom pomming'
 First Prints
 Printing progress...
Embellishing neckline progress